Fechas de Distribución - Distribution Dates

every third Thursday of the month
el tercero jueves del mes



Marfa Food Pantry distribuirá alimentos el tercero jueves del mes.

Sin embargo, si usted o alguien que conoce necesita alimentos entre las distribuciones mensuales, llámenos al:
(432) 295-1447 y podemos ayudarlo.


La Despensa de Alimentos de Marfa debe tener una aplicación registrada anualmente para cada cliente. Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para descargar e imprimir una aplicación. Puede devolver la aplicación completa deslizándose por debajo de la puerta de la Despensa de Alimentos o llevándola a la siguiente distribución.

Marfa Food Pantry distributes food on the third Thursday of the month.

However, if you or someone you know is in need of food between monthly distributions, please call us at:
(432) 295-1447 and we can help you.


The Marfa Food Pantry must have a yearly application on file for each client.
Click the link below to download and print an application. You may return the completed application by slipping it under the door of the food pantry or bring it with you to the next distribution.


Marfa Food Pantry is sponsored by Saluvida, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt corporation. The Pantry provides monthly food distributions to low-income families in Marfa, and is supported by generous donations from the local community. Donations are used to purchase nutritious food for distribution as well as to improve storage capacity and conditions of the food pantry.

We have adjusted the monthly distribution process in order to address the Pandemic threat in several ways. Clients remain in their vehicles, forming a drive-thru line. Volunteers deliver the food packages directly into the vehicles. Everyone wears a mask and makes an effort to maintain social distance.